Step One: In our entrance hallway we have our 'Wright Family Command Centre' where we write-up all of our dates for the WEEK ahead (I found it looked too messy and was difficult to take in when we tried doing it for the full month ahead).
We now have a place to write up other things to remember on the big board.
When we would get home in the evening we kind of got into the habit of sitting our mail on the radiator in the hall, but most of the time stuff got knocked down the back or on the floor. So now it goes into the wire basket on the wall for us to sort.
The kids chore charts are on clipboards, so giving them each a slot to put them into made sense.
There's also a slot for all forms (usually from the kids clubs or school) or letters that require our attention.
The bottom shelf of the wire rack is where we keep the kids stickers for their chore charts as well as all the whiteboard markers and pens we might need.
Step Two: The idea that you can add your own pages in simply by cutting them to size and punching holes in them and put them in your organiser, always got me super excited (I was a strange kid, but I know for a fact I was not alone).
But now I'm [a little more] grown up, I use a proper binder organiser.
In this I write all the reminders for the family for the whole year. This includes the kids clubs, school events, birthday's of everyone in the family (we have a lot of nieces and nephews) and any other events we know about in advance. As I've never been on that telepathy course (they're always saying I really should in work) that allows me to know every event to happen throughout the whole year e.g. dental appointments, doctors appointments, etc. I simply just add these in when I can so I don't forget them.
This system won't work for everyone, but it seems to work for us. Perhaps you can take some ideas from it and make it work with your family.
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